Read chapters 9 and 11, then answer the discussion questions your posts should be about 3-6 paragraphs in
length and consist of complete sentences.
Chapter 9
1. Which offers the best explanation for social stratification: social conflict or structural functionalism?
Use an example to support your position.
2. Now that you’ve read about amount of inequality in the US, are you surprised by the relatively large gap
between the rich and the poor in terms of income and wealth? Why or why not?
Should something be done to decrease the gap or is it just a consequence of the behaviors of individuals
(e.g., some people just work harder than others)? Is it fair or unfair?
Chapter 11
3. Does white privilege exist in our society today? Use examples to support your position.
4. Now look at the video and answer the following question.
What is your reaction to the video below? Is this an example of cultural appropriation? Should the
Washington team change their name and mascot? Explain your position.
link to the video