odule 4 (half- module)-
Theme 10: African Experiences in Film
Required Reading(s):
Khan, Mariama. (Chapter 10) “The Reincarnation of Colonial Imaginaries in Nollywood Films.” In Africa, History& Culture. Edited by Mariama Khan & Grasian Mkodzongi, Kendall Hunt Publishers, 2020. https://he.kendallhunt.com/product/africa-history-and-culture
Assigned Film: Liberian Film
Siatta Will Kill Me New Liberian Movie 2017 Part 1
Theme 11: African Futures
Required Reading(s):
Khan, Mariama & Grasian Mkodzongi (chapter 11) “Advancing the Need for decolonized African Knowledge: A Case Study on Senegambia Knowledge Systems.” In Africa, History& Culture. Edited by Mariama Khan & Grasian Mkodzongi, Kendall Hunt Publishers, 2020. https://he.kendallhunt.com/product/africa-history-and-culture
Assignments Due: Final paper Due Augu
Assignments: Final Paper
Due Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020, at 11:59pm
Individual Research Project (Final Paper)
Using examples from the readings and films assigned for Module 4 and other selected outside sources write and submit a response to the prompt below. The 10-pages (double spaced) should include full references and proper in-text citations.
Identify an issue/theme of your choice that is related to the reading(s) and films assigned for Module 4. Frame it as a debate question. Develop your own response to the question choosing a stance that is either for or against the motion.
Again note: (You can right “for” or “against” the issue you have identified).
The response should do the following:
13. Examine how relevant the issue you have identified is in contemporary Africa
14. Examine how that issue is affecting African society. You can draw examples from a selected African country
15. Discuss why you think the selected issue needs urgent attention .
16. Use different methodological and disciplinary approaches to discuss the evidence you present in your group research project.