Answer the following questions in an initial post. Address each question with several paragraphs. Answers should reflect both your professional experience and the course materials covered this week. Cite the Blanchard, Hodges, & Hendry text and your textbook as appropriate. Other sources are not required, but welcome; if used, cite them as well. Cite all sources using APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your post. Initial posts must be at least 300 words in length. Remember to be respectful and professional in all posts; keep company and individual identities anonymous. You may write in first person. You may wish to compose your post in a temporary document and paste it into the Moodle text box.
Throughout the last few chapters we have recognized that leadership happens in many areas of our lives. Chapter 5 covers the transformation journey and highlights the Spheres of Influence. Discuss and respond to one of the three Spheres listed below. (Be sure to identify which sphere you are discussing so your peers can follow your thought process)
a. Self: In what ways would your leadership be different if you truly believed that you are the person God says you are?
b. Leading another: List three ways you nurture trust as you lead, and list two things you do that put people’s trust in you at risk.
c. Leading others: How do you think the people you lead at work and at home would describe your leadership in specific situations noted in the book
(see pg 30, select 2).
Read Book – Blanchard, K., & Hodges, P. (2016). Lead like Jesus revisited: Lessons from the greatest leadership role model of all time. Thomas Nelson.